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Friday 30 November 2007

Over the last week I've been continuing my work on change documentation. The models used to generate projected figures are complex and I need to be able to justify the movements of each variable before it can be signed off. I'm looking forward to getting on with some other, much easier tasks when this is completed!

Exam results are now looming, we've just had time to almost forget them, and suddenly it's come to that scary time of year! Once that's out of the way I'll be able to decide exactly which ones I'll be sitting in April and so will have no excuses not to fully concentrate on my study again.

I've recently joined the Actuarial Social committee and had my first meeting today discussing the Actuarial Christmas awards in which we choose from the nominations to remind people of those actuaries who've contributed that something extra over the year. For example, the "Stupid Actuary Award" - I'm not sure whether it sounds like a title worth fighting for!

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